Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Green Smoothie Revelations

As I pondered my recent ongoing fatigue over my green smoothie* today, something dawned on me.  It's been about six months since I became vegan, and I've been blogging for about four months, so I guess you can say I started eating about five months ago.  Meaning, I pay attention and eat real food rather than cookies and white flour and fatty stuff.  Smoothies in the morning, something "real" for lunch (crackers and hummus doesn't count anymore, unless it's just a snack), and usually homemade dinners almost entirely from scratch.

Well, I have been on vacation for the last week or so, and eating lots of sugar (thank you, holidays) and subsisting on coffee for most of the morning and afternoon (literally, I don't know how it gets so late before I realize I'm still in my pj's).

And guess what came back?  Daily fatigue.  Wanting to lounge around all day (and night), with only brief periods of having energy to do really basic things like clean the house or wash my hair or feed the dogs.

I think I've finally acclimated to eating.  And now I'm one of "those" people (ie. normal) that get tired and grumpy when they don't eat.  I used to turn my nose at those people.  Toughen up, geez! I would think to myself when I heard people complain about skipping a meal.  Eat a cookie and get over it already!  I think since I've been skipping my morning smoothies, I'm tired by noon.  No lunch--tired till evening.  Make dinner--have energy and stay up past midnight and sleep way in.  Then the cycle continues the next day.

I've finally put two and two together.

I think I'll start eating again.

And I think I'll get out of these pajamas.

*Green Smoothie:
1 banana
4 small kale leaves w/stems
3 dates
2 teaspoons chia seeds
dash of cinnamon
2 brazil nuts
10 raisins
1/2 cup regular oats

These smoothies are SO much better with the Vita-Mix!!!


  1. Whew. When I first started reading this post I thought, "oh no, another vegan has discovered the evils of a vegan diet." Then I read it, and am so happy to discover you are just reaffirming that your healthy diet is working for you. I think I'll pop your green smoothie ingredients into my vitamix to start the day tomorrow. :D

  2. Hi Andrea...Sorry, that was really confusing after re-reading it. I guess for me, Sugar + Not Eating = Fatigue. Eating Healthy = Energy! Whew is right : )

  3. Stephanie,

    Yay for discovering that healthy food works for you. :-) That put a huge smiile on my face thank you for sharing it.


  4. Ha! I've been eating way more sugar than usual and not exercising. It sucks! I finally got out of my PJs today to trek out to the snow covered beach.

  5. This green smoothie sounds wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. I don't have a vitamix but I imagine it's pretty great!
