Sunday, September 4, 2011

Crazy Sexy Diet

Without caffeine, you know I'll be feeling crazy. Sexy?  Maybe not : )

My friend Ali and some of her bloggy friends will be doing the 
Crazy Sexy Diet Cleanse 
for the next 21 days (or more).  

(It feels weird to call it a cleanse because it's so close to how I already eat!)


cutting out sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gluten, and processed foods 

will make for a great all-around healthy feeling, once I get through that initial 

withdrawal phase.

I'm going to start posting every (other?) day to check in about how the cleanse is going.  I just bought the book and will be reading that, too. 

(Did you know you can download a Kindle app for you iPad to read Kindle books? How ridiculously convenient!).

Hello, Greens!


  1. Good luck with the cleanse! I'm interested to hear how it goes. I need to cut some of those things out of my diet, too, probably starting with alcohol and sugar. I'll be watching for your updates :)

  2. Well, welcome back stranger! Hope school went well. Good luck on the cleanse. You inspire me. I tried giving up coffee, but my brain stopped working altogether, so I took it back up again. Great to see you back!
