Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Veggie Wash

Tap water + Friction = The cleaning power of soap and veggie washes.

10% Vinegar solution works for reducing micro-organisms.

Now that I'm eating all these whole foods, I have to make sure I'm doing my due diligence about keeping pesticides and pathogens off of my plate!


  1. Stephanie,

    I have been using vinegar and water for years to clean veggies and fruit. For items that need a bit of scrubbing I make a paste of baking soda and water (or vegetable glycerin) and then rinse in the vinegar and water. It seems to work since we eat lots of raw veggies and haven't had a cold in almost 2 years.


  2. So do you just dunk the veggies in vinegar? do you do that to all of them?
    What about things with peels, like avocado or oranges? And your grapes...do you do that to them, too? Does it change the flavor? I've never even thought of it until now, and just happened to get this article the day after I started really scrubbing. I just think of the guys in the produce section...clean, but who knows when the last time they washed their hands was!

  3. Stephanie,

    I soak the soft veggies (like grapes, lettuce) for a few minutes in vinegar and water and then rinse them well. For things with a tough skin (like avocado, melons, citrus) I scrub them with a little baking soda paste and then move on the vinegar and finally rinse. It doesn't change flavor if you rinse well with plain water at the end.

    I read an article last year about the percentage of triple washed lettuce that was contaiminated with nasty bacteria and that was it. I wash and rinse all our produce now.


  4. Thanks, Ali! Goodness, I just finished making veggie sushi rolls with pre-washed spinach and was naive enough to trust the pre-wash. I feel like unwrapping those rolls and washing the spinach : )

    Not only am I going to start washing everything better, I'm also going to train the lady who cooks for the preschoolers as well.

    Do you rinse your frozen veggies as well? Just wondering.

  5. I do not rinse my frozen veggies but now you have me thinking about that. I will do some research and see if I can find. I will let you know. ;-)

    BTW I trusted the prewashed greens for years and we survived. Though I double or triple wash it all now. No OCD here, LOL.

