Friday, September 24, 2010

5 Star Cake Batter...

but Zero Stars on the final product!

I made these today, hoping to re-ignite a Friday tradition between a co-worker and I of making decadent sweets on Fridays. Ever since I stopped eating sugar, I kind of left her behind. Well, in an effort to reinstate Brownie Fridays, I tried this Chocolate Cupcake recipe. Boo!

The cake batter was delicious. The final product was horrible. I think half the avocado, and subbing honey for maple syrup might make it better, but I think I'll just skip it altogether next time!

Vegan out!


  1. Sorry the end result didn't work out the way you expected. Have you looked at Diet, Desserts and Dogs? Ricki bakes without sugar you can probably find something there you want to try. She is on my blog under the Food Section.

    have a nice evening,

  2. Yes! Whenever I subscribe to a new blog, I check out that person's blog list! Thanks for all the good ideas.

    And by the way, I tried kale in my smoothie this week and it was delish!

    I also bought white beans to try your dip : )
