Thursday, November 18, 2010

My favorite cereal

It's been a few days since my last post (seeing as I'm not on the Vegan MoFo list, I didn't feel too compelled!). I've been wanting to share my most favoritest cereal with you:

It's as sweet as you'd like it to be, and for me, trying to be refined-sugar-free, I drink it with unsweetened soy milk and I add a few more dates (hey, I'm still a sugar addict!). It even has brasil nuts in it, which I love because I so rarely get those in my diet.


Almond Milk FAIL

I've been drinking the Whole Foods 365 brand almond milk in the original flavor and for some reason I thought it was unsweetend. Well, I checked the label the other day, and lo and behold, there is evaporated cane juice in it. No wonder I like it so much! I like my homemade almond milk better than their unsweetened soy, which tastes like actual beans, so I'll probably start making my own almond milk again, fiber and all : )

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just get so annoyed when you find sugar in places you didn't expect it? I gave up commercial non-dairy milk a while back when I realized how many "funky chemicals" were in there. *shivers* It is just so disturbing to me to eat food that has non-food ingredients inside.

    I hope you are having a nice evening,
